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Online Court Bookings
Courts 1-3 Savanna
Courts 6-8 Clay

Courts 4,5,9 & 10 Hard
Courts ABCD - Pickleball

Carisbrooke is a members only Club, with the exception of the indoor dome during the winter season. All court time is now managed entirely online via Clubspark. Please be aware that you can only play on a court if you have made a booking via the online system. You cannot just turn up and play.


You will need to download the Clubspark App and register for an account to book a court. You can do this by visiting the Clubspark website on the button below


Outdoor Courts - All Year Round

Throughout the season, we have 10 full size outdoor courts available 7 days a week. Only paid members have permission to book courts online. Courts 1, 2 & 3 are savanna, 6, 7 & 8 are clay. 4, 5, 9 & 10 are all hard courts. We also have 4 mini kids courts, A, B, C & D.


Courts 1, 2 & 3 are floodlit. Floodlights are now included in membership.

Dome Courts - Winter Season Only

During the winter months, from the end of October to the end of March, we erect our brand new airdome which houses two hardcourts (4 & 5) for indoor play. The dome is available for members and non-members to use, but all sessions must be pre-booked and pre-paid online. Non members are permitted to book online for the dome only. The dome is also heated during peak hours only (mainly weekday evenings)

Indoor Dome Charges- Winter Season Only

Both members and non-members can book the dome and make pre-payment by card via the Clubspark App
(Members / Non-members rates apply)



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